The health and safety of our members and employees stay at the top of our priority list. The main aim of working in a co-working space is to escape the loneliness and to be around highly motivated professionals to be in a dynamics where like minded people can build a community, share their ideas, and convey their minds to the people around them.
With the current situation of the COVID19 pandemic, we all are forced to stay inside our homes to save our lives. Amid the lockdown, we have to keep SPACIFY closed till the situation gets any better at all. But in the meantime, we understand that all of us have been pushed in the zone of loneliness.
Do not worry or go deep in the pool of loneliness and do not restrain yourself from sharing the wonderful ideas blooming in your minds. We have the perfect way of working together even when we work away from each other.
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Turn meetings into sharing circles
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While meetings are an important part of work, so is the sharing of ideas, information, opinions, and documents.
When a person works alone in the confined space of the home, they are restricted with the exchange of words of wisdom and knowledge. Ideas that bloom in minds are always polished when they come out of the mind and are shared with peers and friends. For the same, connect with your coworkers at SPACIFY every day or every week for the purpose and talk.
Share all the new ideas or information you were able to derive out of work or your creative mind. Ask for others’ opinions on it, not them down, and try to improvise on your idea if you can.
This will be great loneliness escaping plan. This will also keep you in constant touch with your friends and colleges.
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To-do list and working hours
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The prime idea of SPACIFY coworking space is to keep the professionals motivated and efficient at work. While working inside an office setting of SPACIFY with the perfect ambiance of office, structured campus, proper stimulation of lights and ventilation, in the presence of other co-workers, it brings out your productivity every single day. It also helps you stay away from laziness or diverting of attention.
At home, on the other hand, all this can become a major trouble. Working at home can make us lazy; the bed may call you every now and then to take a nap. Your fridge may call you to keep munching all the time. The social media and the television can divert your mind any second. And the list of diversions will never stop.
To escape all this, we suggest you make a to-do list for your day. Divide all the tasks on an hourly basis and try and finish them under strict deadlines you set for yourself. This will help you to stick to your usual working hours of 10-6 rather than extending the day of work till 10 pm or even later.
Working from home can be a little tough but we can always work on it together.
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Set a desk
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When a person is working from home, the greatest mistake they make is to lose their posture and work from the comfort.
Ditch your bed and get to the table. There is no way you can work with even half of your efficiency when you work from your bed or sofa. The comfort is attractive but is not facilitating your productivity.
To ensure you are achieving your productivity and efficiency for the day, or even if you are able to derive more than half of it, you are doing well. Set up a table, place the work essentials, turn on your work video call, call a colleague or your team, and let them work across you to ensure higher satisfaction from your day.
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Ditch family texting app
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One of the best ways to keep in touch with your colleagues is by working along and texting them whenever you can. For the purpose, using the same application where you talk to family and friends is not ideal. Make sure you have a different app for texting or video calling your colleagues to keep it more professional.
There are ample apps for the purpose like Zoom, Google Duo, etc. that allow the same with a lot of freedom and facilitates your day at work.
With the same, you will be able to cope up with the fact that you are away from SPACIFY but are still working together.